
Showing posts from 2019

Schweet Schreams

Do you think dreams really mean something? I mean, growing up Hispanic I heard all the time that they do. "If you dream your teeth are falling out, that means death." Not exactly what Dream Dictionary says but we had our own interpretations. I'm not sure if I fully believe they're more profound than just subconscious nonsense, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't Google what my dreams meant to try to find some bigger meaning. The thing that I think is most interesting is the idea that every single face you see in your dream, you've seen in real life. Crazy, right? I always have random "extras" in my dreams and it's cool to think they could be people that I've seen in passing and never really paid much thought to, but my brain still registered them enough to include them in my dreams. De todos modos, even if it's not true, the idea that your brain makes up faces for you to dream is cool too. Either way, Schweet Schreams!